Michael lluberes
a wrinkle in time
Adapted for stage by Tracy Young
Based on the book by Madeleine L'Engle
Directed by Michael Lluberes
Flint Youth Theatre
Scenic Design by Lisa Borton
Lighting Design by Doug Mueller
Costume Design by Katherine Nelson
Sound Design by Gene Oliver
Projection Design by Alison Dobbins
Cast: Bret Beaudry, Paige Benner, Syd Brown, Lucas Eldredge, William Eldredge, Sarah Jarrett, Amy Dolan-Malaney, Dakotah James Myers, Brittany Reed, Kristina Riegle & Haedyn Scott.
Photos by Mike Naddeo
“Excellent production. …Vibrant, creative. …Imaginatively directed by Michael Lluberes.”
-East Village Magazine
“Magical. …Exciting. …Bravely intelligent. …Kudos must go to director Michael Lluberes.
The staging features a lot of movement as it cleverly provides a constant reminder that we are reading a book as the story unfolds before us.”
-Flint Stages